Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What Color Does Each Rubber Bracelet Mean

I signed on page 10 and asked pairings character Bella Swan, just to match it with all members of the pack. Here is the first thing I wrote (I write lousy, but was fun to do, P)

Bella has always been a nobody in his old school. The typical girl invisible.

But not anymore. That phase was over. Now, ironically, is almost the opposite: a popular girl.

it funny that when I was nobody, lamented his bad luck, and now, being popular, will regret itsame.

But perhaps it is because, for more than Bella likes to believe that, you know that only see a mask. Do not see it, do not see what it is, only it seems. And no one is really what it seems.

Fortunately, there are also other people. Those who look for who he really is. Not an invisible girl or an ugly duckling. Nor is a popular cheerleader or a beautiful swan. Just her. Bella.

Among them are Edward, of course, Cullen, Angela ...

And then there's Jake. Its Jake.

That boy whom he loved more than I wanted to admit.

He saw all, without masks. She. Looked at the bottom of his soul and even better than she knew herself, although Bella does not know.

himself to Jacob it said.

spent a day they were walking along the beach as usual. Bella asked him a question to Jacob, a question that had been making for some time:

"Jake, how you see me?

"Why ask?

I do not know ... just wondering.

Jacob thought for a while, then are


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