Friday, August 28, 2009

Example Of Treatment For Short Film

Base, to achieve the main objective. In his view, the current government should get a second chance for further strengthening of the changes so far obtained.

The "purpose of this set of sectors, will be making a public presentation on Friday 4 (September), with the presence of national leaders, to 20 in Plaza Artigas," concluded Muguruza. Thursday August 27, 2009 14:54

28/08/2009 | THE SPECTATOR | PRIVACY | Page 1

turned & Mujica # 39; swinger & ama joint government with José Mujica, farm somewhere out there: "I can imagine the poor ( Danilo )

Astori with that team he had and may pretend to the Ministry, Bergara and Lorenzo for permission. I imagine

Astori in any cabinet meeting in a farm there, where some chicken while you work up the arm, another cackling you, and you pass a dog barks. The
qumust be between Mujica and Lacalle, the other two candidates,

Astori Larrañanga and are candidates to head the National Parliament, and here is a separation of powers. You see my friend, Senator Mujica, afraid to go alone to a debate with Dr. Lacalle and need someone beside you is blowing their ears to not screw it up, "he said. 28/08/2009 | THE PEOPLE | CHARGE | Page 3

This August 25, dressed for success October

"If will matterGrassroots Committees efore our political force this week more than five hundred committees throughout the country opened their doors to all neighbors.

Walking, walking, handing out materials, placing flags and mostly convincing neighbors who still have doubts. It was a unique festival that heralds the coming victory in October.

that citizens have clearly demonstrated the need for a new period of government to continue the changes, to ensure the rights of all.

Committees Not only Base worked, but called their legislators for actionompañaran approaches the task with the neighborhood.

In each neighborhood there was a different situation, but in all cases was a popular explosion.

August 25 This demonstrated the full force of the Committees of Base, announcing a new government Frente where the relationship with the political strength will be more rich and fluid.


28/08/2009 | LATEST NEWS | INFORMATION | Page 3 CHTMLHard
intersection Astori and white presidential ticket.

FA THE TWO OF QUALIFIED FOR 'IGNORANT' and 'inept' A LACALLE And LARRAÑAGA Astori described "ignorant" to members of the white formula for their comments on the evolution of gross debt. Lacalle accused him of lowering the level of the campaign and said he did not answer insults. Larranaga called him arrogant. CH "I have no right to accuse them of bad faith, therefore accuse them of ignorant and incompetent to handle economic issues" shot.

Given these statements Luis Alberto Lacalle reacted and accused the former minister of lowering the level of debate in the midst of the election campaign, also qualify as "insulting" remarks. "insults do not answer and I regret that Mr. Astori

down both the level of the campaign," said the nationalist candidate Ultimas Noticias. The counterattack manageris because, in his opinion, "down the category of who gives the offense." In turn, the economist said the figures used by both Astori as the whites are "correct", but said that the government could have saved a billion dollars if it had countercyclical policies. Congressman Jorge Gandini added more criticism of Astori and said "its role as the ear blower is shown where the ignorance," adding that "pride is bad partner "and thattheir reaction shows "a grudge for not being a candidate." economic adviser Larrañaga Washington Ribeiro said: "It's funny how Astori listen and pay attention to the opposition, this was not done for four years," and said "do not have to get mad because he owns the deficit and the income tax." 28/08/2009 | LATEST NEWS | INFORMATION | Page 3


Astori TMLXC on Wednesday drew attention to the astor

. "Was not Lacalle not answered Astori

?" Asked Ultimas Noticias in dialogue with a source close to leader Uruguay Assembly

. This refers to assessments in the White campaign headquarters where he resolved to devote himself to criticize the candidate ar José Mujica and letting one hand poop references to

CHT Astori

National Party and the Colorado Party, while he returned to find a backlash in the ranks of the Frente Amplio.
Pedro Luis Alberto Lacalle and Bordaberry were willing to negotiate with

White House

one such agreement if they agree to the government in March next year.

But in the ruling party still divided positions. While the vice presidential candidate,

Danilo Astori

, was open to discuss the futuro "new alternative" trade with Washington, sectors such as the Socialist Party and the Communist Party warned that the government program on the left to the next period explicitly rejected the signing of an FTA with the United States.

Barack Obama's government is willing to negotiate again with Uruguay a Free Trade Agreement, if that is echoed in the government. This was said Wednesday to The Observer Christopher McMullen, Deputy Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs, State Department Obama administration.

Lacalle said in late July that it was a mistake Vázquez government reject U.S. FTAFront. Although no opinion on the matter forward,

Astori left the door open. "On trade issues always have to talk, especially in a country like Uruguay which needs to improve its trade relations with the world and in particular the United States. New alternatives are explored in the future, "said the running mate of José Mujica. While he was Minister of Economy Vázquez,
Astori strongly promoted the FTA with the United States. Once out of the portfolio and the international economic crisis in sight,

v uierda boarded an elevator without answering the proposition. Thus, the twists and turns of the debates are a new chapter and now shows Mujica provisions only if they win the first round. The Frente Amplio has hopes of achieving that result while most public opinion consultants paint a runoff scenario. Mujica said that debate "only if it is me" and now, although not confirmed, speaks of a possibility to deal with Lacalle to November. Several consultants speak of a future technical parity between Lacalle Mujica and if neither succeeds imposed on 25 October. CHT

MLXC For this reason, the candidate may be more willing Frente because there is less room for difference. Mujica also recalled that Lacalle refused to debate with Juan Andrés Ramírez in an internal nationalist. 28/08/2009 | THE PEOPLE | CHARGE | Page 4 Brovetto called intensify militancy Front president Jorge Broveto wide in a letter which is transcribed below call to redouble the effort Dear colleagues and esteemed colleagues Frente: Again on August 25 commemorating the Broad Front, together with the declaration don the new tax system the tax burden fell from the previous tax system and tax burden as a whole is now of course less than previous governments, and of course during the government of Dr. Lacalle. Then either ignorance or bad faith. I have no right to accuse them of bad faith, therefore accuse them of ignorant or incompetent to handle economic issues. "
28/08/2009 |
| PRIVACY | Page 5 'The FA is a tool that must be open and generous, very generous. " Mujica. `The Emergency Plan did so because the country was as if he had an earthquake ' presidential candidate for the Frente Amplio, José Mujica, called on his militants to talk to the undecided. He promised the inclusion of older adults to Fonasa, costing 700 million dollars.
Emilio M. Muracciole / Florida In a conciliatory tone and constantly calling on his supporters to talk to the undecided and less with those who, for one side or another, and are convinced, presidential candidate José Mujica closed last night in Trinidad ceremony presented as the presidential ticket pero that in fact had no Danilo Astori , who apologized for reasons relating to the campaign agenda.
Seconded by Eduardo Bonomi, Alfredo Asti, Monica Xavier, Carlos Gamou, Louis Oliver, Eleonora Bianchi, Rafael Michelini, deputy local
Fernando Lungo, the president of AF Flores, Olga Silva, and the vice of this, Javier Rodriguez, Mujica spoke for 37 minutes before some 500 people at the Cine Teatro Plaza, in an act that began one hour later than planned, after aare our compatriots, "he said. In this regard, called for "careful" because "in election campaign is irrational passion" and sometimes "makes us deeply sectarian. You'll never convince those who start to attack, "he reflected. The strategy, he added, is "the methodology of openness, respect and methodology of non-aggression." is which, he insisted, the election dispute "has a field: the ear. Learn to talk to our countrymen as appropriate. Talk to those who have doubts and those who say that politics do not mind, a way of saying 'I'm not sure'. " CHA government can of overnight generate 200 thousand jobs, and we could not tell people, 'Wait, you're going to have any chance of laburo'. "
The candidate took to announce the aspiration to "stick to the old" in the Fonasa. "You have to remember the health of the elderly. Are those that need more patching, and we have to do, "he said, indicating that his running mate were" crunching numbers ", which it can assert that" costs about $ 700 million, "which" not arranged with a chainsaw. " With regard to differences of view with the parties opos HTMLXC
28/08/2009 | REPUBLIC | PRIVACY | Page 5
Muñoz Rossi and go with your own list. The 5005 comes in around the country
The National expanded the list 5005 and the Motion Canario decided last night to run its own list to the October elections, told LA REPUBLIC
Transport Minister Victor Rossi. Ballot will be "5005", which in the past internal electionsepartment for the House of Representatives "he said. The secretary of state said that the slogan of the list is "to reaffirm and confirm the Frente, ie more Frente and unity." He warned that the Frente Amplio will have to "make an effort to win the election, for which he needs for all, but they have to deal with building unity and understanding and create bridges between different expressions." "That explains why we are unfriendly to commit ourselves to participate in sublemas. Do not want to stay locked in polarization processes shaping blocks or soNo dangerous and weakens the FA, "he said Rossi. The chief said that next week will set the schedule to the political campaign.


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