Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cheltenham Ontario 2010




message or style

President Republicpopulation of their performance.

Second, one of the differences of the leftist government with respect to the traditional parties is to bet on citizen participation, has done poorly, it is true, but with much more determination and focus than ever on Uruguay's recent history.

Vázquez has initiated this method in the election campaign, he was from the first day of his administration, as well as talking to the Parliament as usual, made a speech and a public commitment in a crowd scene the street.

I went with the 16 Council of Ministers opened inside the pas. Informing, listening to communities, not just him as president, but his whole government team.

also conducted two public accountability, for the first time in history, one in 2006 and again this year, in 2009.

the opposition actually always bothered him that style of Vazquez, questioned him and fought him politically. Not surprisingly, it is a way of governing, quite different from the one they applied and applied, but as more legitimate or that they applied.

also really bothers the opposition bothers style and content of exhibitions Vázquez, eghas shot to levels not known, cane sugar is a really strong, with

7,500 hectares planted and

6,500 hectares in harvest. They have concentrated efforts in the state, community and private investment; ALUR is developing a reality, not only with sugar but with the production of alcohol, biofuel and animal feed. It has made a significant investment in health and education. Also channeled efficiently international collaboration, Venezuela, Cuba and Japan. A revealing fact: today, in pictures, infant mortality is 13 per thousand births.

A presidential speech and a major attitude, worthy of being known. By the way, to dialogue with the people, deepening democracy, accountability, and its content, concretions of a policy that has been a priority to the neediest.

26/08/2009 | THE COUNTRY | NATIONAL POLICY | Page 10 not speak for me. Pepe column inquisitive

A group of men, who call themselves representatives of the working class and speak on behalf of workers have come to tour the country. Ensure that started this crusade for wage-earnersI warn the enormous danger that will run if Dr. Luis Alberto Lacalle and the National Party win the elections later this year.

are union leaders. The cream of the Pit-Cnt. Therefore not have to work. That leaves them plenty of time to travel the country calling to prevent the triumph of the anti-Christ. To alert what will befall on the working class if Dr. Lacalle, God forbid, comes to power.

One understands. They are comfortable. The ruling left clearly plays for them. The implementation of the Wage Councils filled the affiliated unions. Guilds box goes through a moment of glory. Also, when negotiatingempowerment actually engaged sweat shirt? Do we know how to get the achievements with which they are enthroned in the conduct of their organizations? Do we know who are actually speaking on our behalf?

I tend to think we do not know. And neither do matter. If we cared, would not let them speak for us without asking us what we think. Not making it difficult for everything to them and only them, not for them. Neither do openly campaign for a political party to which an important part of the workers in this country respected, but not vote.

And much less to say who should and who should govern this country. CHT

evelop rather large ears and antennas supersensitive to express the hopes of the voters.

is normal, logical and even desirable for calculating politicians. But, we need to incorporate into their calculations a key element. When citizens perceive that the great leaders of political parties go through life with the calculator turned on, immediately reacts with mistrust and disillusionment. Citizens tend to reward the politically disinterested and punish the "Machiavellian." Uruguayan political parties, especially when compared with others in the region, continue to enjoy good health. However, no precautions when caring reaches the system's legitimacyto question. All candidates who put "chicanery" to avoid discussing with others (where calculate that does not suit them) are hurting, inadvertently, the legitimacy of the system. Not to make a fuss. But it's true. Whenever Mujica says he will discuss "only if it makes" erodes the prestige of the party system. Whenever Lacalle says "yes" to a "mano a mano" with Mujica but "no" to the debate between the two presidential tickets, does not contribute to the prestige of political activity. Nobody, not even the most clueless, is aware that the former president is also taking short-term accounts. Frankly, the spectacle of presidential candidates when Uruguayan. What are the plans of the Frente Amplio in relation to secondary education? How do think the white concrete to build an agreement with the unions? How much, in particular, to build decent housing in the settlements as Mujica promises? What kind of public administration reform, beyond the slogans applauded by public opinion, suggests the National Party? What are, in each case, the first 10 measures of government? Citizenship not only need to know that candidates Presidency are able to answer such questions. Moreover, and this is much more important, you deserve the spectacle of a civilized debate between the two


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